Hello! My name is Brittany Detrick, and this is my best friend and service pup, Amigo!

      Back in 2011 I was admitted to the hospital for some stomach trouble and one of the days they had therapy dogs come and visit. The dog who I loved the most was a sweet girl named Hershey! She was beautiful and calm and so soft. I was told she was a Labradoodle. I knew on that day, I needed to have a Labradoodle in my life.

Fast forward to 2017 and too many hospital visits and surgeries later I knew the best option for me would be a service dog. If I wanted to be independent I was going to need some help. At that point I relied on a feeding tube and medical port in my chest for nutrition and medications and I was having trouble with pain and passing out a lot. I had a home health nurse tell me about her Labradoodle named Winston, and I feel in love with Labradoodles all over again. After extensive research and talking to breeders, I got Amigo from Brasken Labradoodles, he is a medium sized Australian Labradoodle.

        Amigo went through lots and lots of training and now in 2019 I wonder how I ever did life without him. He alerts me when I’m going to throw up, pass out, or when my blood sugar drops or raises. He has been my buddy in every hospital trip and doctors appointment since I brought him home. He is so calm and friendly and everywhere we go people love him. We visit the children’s hospital where I used to be treated and give back by letting him kiss and love on some of the sick kiddos. He loves kids and adults alike and I love that he can bring joy wherever we go. He is so smart and he even alerted before I had a medicine and fever induced seizure, which he was never trained to do. He has helped me and my family so much. I had the conversation with him that he must become immortal because life without him would never be the same.

       When he isn’t working he is the best dog. He is obsessed with balls, the trampoline, going to the dog park, and sitting in the window playing neighborhood watch. He is so happy and easy going and also a great travel buddy. He has been on multiple flights and made friends with all of the flight crew he has ever met. I am thankful every day for country Labradoodles and Brasken Labradoodles of California for the opportunity to have my best friend. I look forward to every day and the adventures we will continue to have together. He is the best dog.